Archive for February, 2006

God in the Machine

Thursday, February 16th, 2006

I’m writing this post as a sort of challenge to myself to tell you who or what God is, if God indeed exists. I’ve had some discussions already with some trusted colleagues (my girlfriend and my friends) over the content within this post. While lifting weights, I talked with my friends about other people’s ideas about God, but I never really stated any conclusion myself. Therefore, my lifting friends suggested that I come out and say who God is once and for all. It will be a revolutionary opportunity, but I think I’m up to it…I had my protein shake this morning. Read the rest of this entry »

Appraise my find

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

A site where people post pictures of something they bought at a yardsale, an auction, or acquired by other means: their “find.” Along with just getting to show off this unique item, other users will rate the find’s value. The more people that rate, the more accurate this appraisal will be.

Judging by the fact that and are already taken, I don’t think this idea is all that original, but I still like it.

Digital, digital, get UP?

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

I’ve got a short idea here for those of you still trying to finish up my last post. Some of you told me that you’ve read about eighty percent of it, so keep believing and stay the course, maybe one day you’ll get to the end. Does eighty percent mean reading just the first paragraph?

But I digress…put simply, my idea is that one day in the near future Read the rest of this entry »


Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

I think the biggest pain about ordering something online is receiving the package. Most items I order come in medium-sized packages and require a signature. That would be no problem if my wife stayed at home all day or my work allowed personal delivery. Usually what happens is middle of the week I get a pink slip, then I have to either run to the post office in the morning time or wait until the weekend. Read the rest of this entry »