Archive for July, 2006

The last week of your life

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

A while back I read about this dude that created a web site to help him get random with Lady Sovreign. He ended up raising his goal of $10,000 through donations and taking her out on a date where he spent all of the money. It got me thinking about what I would do if I had $10,000 to blow. I actually didn’t think about it long enough to come up with anything because my mind instantly drifted to thinking about how I could ever get that $10,000. Read the rest of this entry »

Midway to Minneapolis

Monday, July 10th, 2006

I posted something a while back about biking to work and the different routes I’ve taken. Last week I finally got my motorcycle running (and by that I mean I took it to the shop) and have been riding that to work. It’s really fun, but there are some things I miss about bicycling. And for that matter, there are some things I miss about riding the bus. There’s not really anything I miss about driving the car to work though. Anyway, I am thinking it would be a great side project (I always need more of those) to create a microsite comparing the different ways to get to work. Some of the most important factors are time, money, stress level/enjoyment, safety, and freedom while downtown. I could also incorporate the best routes to take for each mode of transportation. It could definitely turn into a good resource for anyone looking to get from Saint Paul to Minneapolis.