Archive for August, 2006

Create Icons for your Mac

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Andy and I have been working on a CD-ROM project at Capella. One of the last steps was to change the default icons of the exe file on the pc and the swf on the mac to be the Capella logo. Both of us have worked with ico files (for the pc) before, but neither of us had tried creating an icon for the mac. Turned out to be kind of a pain. Read the rest of this entry »

Grandpa's blog

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

A while back I was working on a genealogy site (using a product called PHPGedView). I had a family tree that I had created back in middle school, along with quite a few documents my Grandma sent me. It was pretty interesting sifting through the information and learning about my ancestors. Then one day there was a message on my index.php page informing me that my site had been haXored, along with a picture of the linux penguin (thanks for the heads up Ben). Read the rest of this entry »

Personalized Rating for Restaurants

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

One of my favorite things about having this great resource we call the Internet, is ratings and user reviews. Before I watch a movie, I’ll usually check out the user rating at IMDB or Netflix. If I’m looking for a new place to grab a drink after work I’ll mosey on over to Mpls Happy Hour. Amazon for books, PCMagazine for most techy stuff, and the list goes on. Read the rest of this entry »

Ajax Contact Form

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

I was working on incorporating Jamie Talbot’s ajax form onto my contact page last night. It was a super-easy install, but there were a couple dumb things that tripped me up for a while. Here they are in case you’re having the same problems: Read the rest of this entry »