Archive for January, 2006

Pyramid of Income Equanimity

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

I had an idea recently. I feel that an idea of this sort is necessary and appropriate at this time, since much of my posts have been opinions, questions, and analysis. No, the idea has nothing to do with traveling in tubes…not that traveling in tubes is a bad idea. And no, it’s probably not ‘the greatest and best idea in the world.’ As basic and semi-unoriginal as it may sound, I believe the idea is definitely maybe at least worth noting. My idea is Read the rest of this entry »

Rate the Day

Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Some days are just better than others. Yeah there are a lot of different things that can change a normal day into a good day, the weather or fun plans to look forward to, but some days are just better for no particular reason. What I would like to do, is see if there are certain days that most people agree are better than others.
– here’s where you can go and rate a day on a 1-5 scale. It could probably be even simpler, either the day is good or it isn’t. If you think about it, people are probably only going to rate a day if it’s great or if it sucks.

Mapcard (usb device with screen)

Monday, January 9th, 2006

Here’s the problem: anytime Rebekah and I are going to someone’s house that we’ve never been to before we remember at the last minute that we need to print off directions. At that point it’s usually 20 minutes after the time we were supposed to arrive so the tensions are running high. I’ve tried jotting down the directions on a piece of paper, but that inevitably results in us getting lost, having no idea how long to stay on a road and no map to reference. Read the rest of this entry »

No more hollering!

Monday, January 9th, 2006

I’m currently sitting down on my lunch break and enjoying a chicken burrito that I just picked up from Chipotle across the street. I admit, it’s one of my guilty pleasures that I enjoy when I’m in need of going to the grocery store and my cupboards are bare. I do want to point out that it’s my understanding that Chipotle is owned by the McDonald’s corporation for those of you unaware Read the rest of this entry »

Heaven a good day?

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

I thought about using the title, “I wonder if heaven got a ghetto,” but I think that has been used somewhere before. Well, my initial thoughts on this post actually focused on the idea of ‘hell.’ This hell thing must be an important topic, since I’m sure some people in my life (no names) think I’m going there after I die because my soul hasn’t been saved. I’m not necessarily making light of this situation, Read the rest of this entry »