Archive for October, 2006

Things I've bought and used

Friday, October 20th, 2006

I’m supposed to be packing for my trip right now. Our flight to Cancun leaves at 6 am tomorrow. I am getting in trouble with the wife as I type. As I’m not going to get a chance to post for the next week I thought I would leave you, my loyal reader, with links to a few things I’ve bought or used recently. Read the rest of this entry »


Friday, October 20th, 2006

Money is a funny thing.  We put so much value into this idea of ‘money’ and yet most of us understand very little about this monetary system.  We have many nicknames for money.  Sometimes it’s referred to as cheddar or cheese…well at least it is called that in some rap songs.  I have a feeling this is a reference to the rat in the cage, spinning the wheel to earn the cheese.  If you really look at our money system closely, you’ll see that this trapped rat analogy fits quite well to our situation.  If this is the case, who is the scientist feeding us the cheese?

Money, like our dollar currency, is only given value through agreement.  Everyone can understand on some level that a dollar bill is really just a piece of paper.  The numbers on the computer screen that represent how much you have in your bank account works the same way.  The number are meaningless until given meaning through social convention.  If you haven’t pondered this at length, you may be having an epiphany right now, but odds are you’ve thought this through at some point.  The dollar bill is not inherently difference than the bills you receive in the Monopoly board game.  If you were carrying $100 of Monopoly money in your wallet/purse and someone stole it, you likely wouldn’t think too much about it.  On the other hand, if someone stole $100 worth of Federal Reserve notes from your wallet, you’d probably get quite angry.  This shows how we’ve been trained to value one type of printed paper over another.

I understand that you can’t buy food from the grocery store using Monopoly money.  You have to use the dollar, at least in the United States (until it becomes the Amero, but that’s another story).  And if someone steals the paper you use to get food and other products/services, you may feel justified in your anger.  You’ve been using dollars to buy things since you were a kid most likely.  You give a store some paper dollars and you get tangible items in return.  I get that.  I simply want you to realize how much weight you put on the dollar bill and how much you rely on it.  You judge others based on how much dollars they have, you work overtime to collect more dollars, you fight with your spouse over dollars, you act stingy toward your friends in order to save dollars, you get scared if you don’t have enough dollars, etc.  Sure, you can mentally grasp what I’m saying, but you have to take a step back and see the truth behind the constructed reality.  WE GIVE MONEY ITS POWER.  I’m saying you need to see the humor in wiping your ass with the stuff, though I wouldn’t recommend it.  You need to laugh about how serious we take pieces of paper.  In the big picture it’s silly really.  What we’ll do to get printed paper and numbers on a screen.  Once you get the joke, you’ll never be the same.

Now let’s get down to business.  Although, I’m not schooled in the complicated world of money, business, and banking, I’m not naive either.  I understand the function of money and how it’s used to facilitate an easier transition of goods and services.  For instance, let’s say I have some corn to sell.  You have chickens.  You want my corn, but I don’t want your chickens.  Instead of trading/bartering, you give me money, which I use in turn to purchase what I want, be it pigs or whatever.  Money is a means of exchange, which is all well and good.  The question I want to get at though is: does money serve you or do you serve money?

You guessed it, my answer to that question is indeed that you serve the money system.  Sure, it’s easier for you to go to the store and pay for some milk with some dollar bills as opposed to bartering with some vegetables from your garden, and in that way money works to your favor.  That’s where the benefit ends, and the fact is that any form of currency can handle that function.  You have to look below the surface of our monetary system to understand how you’re being robbed.  Unfortunately, our banking system isn’t set up to be a neutral entity that facilitates exchange.  If you only think about making money and spending it and don’t look behind the curtain, your financial worth will be stolen from you without you realizing it.  And the crazy part of it all is that you’ve also been duped to even giving your money away to the system that steals from you!

I’m going to briefly go over some of the main mechanisms to this money scheme that drains financial power away from you.  I will add links to videos that cover these things in more depth as well.   

First of all, we have the Federal Reserve, which is the institution that prints all the dollars in our system.  The Federal Reserve is a private bank.  It creates fiat money, which is money made out of thin air.  It is not backed by anything of substance.  To the Federal Reserve, money might as well grow on trees.  This basically gives the Federal Reserve power to pump out as much money into the economy as they want, effectively giving them the ability to control inflation.  It’s necessary to note that the Federal Reserve has never been audited.  Since it is a private entity, the general public has limited access and power into its operations.  The Federal Reserve board is appointed by the president and arguably does the bidding of these central bankers.  The kicker is that they create this money out of nothing and then charge interest on it.  This essentially puts the American public in constant debt.  And the trillions of dollars debt continues to grow everyday.  Who do we owe this money to?  Mainly the international bankers that work diligently to establish central banks in every country on the planet under their control.  And if a country says ‘no’ to these bankers…well you could just guess.  These bankers basically control governments because who ever prints the money makes the rules.  The Federal Reserve lends money to our government, puts us in debt, and the public fits the bill.  Ever wonder why there is poverty even after the industrial revolution or why you work so much for a meager salary?  It’s due to the majority of the wealth getting funnelled out of the hands of the people and into the grip of the power elite.  Hey, want a big military?  Just ask the Fed to type some numbers on the screen and give you a check.  Then, the people will pay it back with interest through sweat and tears.  It seems to me to be almost a blank check to spend whatever the government wants, just as long as it pleases the banking elite. 

So, the Federal Reserve controls inflation, interest rates, and policy.  And it’s never been audited.  Hope their being ethical!  Nevermind the fact that the U.S. Constitution gave government, who are supposed to act in the interest of the population, the power to print money…not a private central bank.  Do you wonder why debt is systemic across the board?  Almost no one owns anything anymore.  Let’s say you buy a $200,000 house and get a loan from the bank.  Over the life of the loan, you’ll probably end up paying twice what it’s worth!  Don’t even get me started on credit card debt.  Throw in mega inflation that dwarfs the increase in wage earnings for the American worker (some say that today the dollar is worth about four cents) and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.  For more info on the Federal Reserve click here.

You want another scam?  How ’bout the IRS?  You are not required to pay taxes on the income you earn from working at your job.  It’s voluntary.  There is no law that forces you to pay.  Being made to pay in this way goes against our Constitution.  The idea is that you own your labor, so in a sense, working for a living is an even trade with your employer.  You put in the hours and you get paid…done deal.  The state does not own your labor, you do.  And there have been Supreme Court cases that agree with what I’m saying.  Even the IRS code states that paying this form of income tax is voluntary.  I don’t believe that ‘income’ is even defined in the code!  Don’t get me wrong, there is a cause and effect to this set up.  You don’t pay your taxes, you can get throw in jail.  So, not paying into the fraud is up to you as long as you are aware of the consequences.  But, if everyone decided to stop paying, it’s a different story…by the way, your income tax dollars only goes to cover the interest on the national debt which is a fraud to boot!!!  For more info on the income tax fraud click here.

Moving right along…why is it that our government never seems to have enough money to pay for things that would actually benefit our society?  Yeah, you could argue that our tax money is allocated away from social programs and into military ‘defense’ spending, but I think there may be something more to it.  Enter: the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.  What the crap are you talking about Russ, you say?  Put simply, this is a report that every local, state, and federal government puts out each year which reports their financial dealings; hence the title.  It contains the budget information for that particular governmental body, but much more as well.  It shows the government’s investments and assets also.  In short, your local, state, and federal government is reported to own around 70% of all stocks in the stock market.  Free market?  Please…The money that the government takes in from taxes and other sources of revenue is a tiny portion of its net worth.  This portion is what is used to pay for the budget expenses.  So if you are short, guess who pays for it?  We do.  Or they’ll cut programs.  But what about that other 90% net worth?  That money is all invested in capital.  The government owns land, hotels, theme parks, and stock in most Fortune 500 companies.  Guess what they do with the surplus funds they pull from those investments.  Needless to say, they don’t give it back to the people.  They reinvest it and buy up more land and business.  Government feasting on the private sector.  Do we have free market?  No.  We have mega-corporations, big government, globalization, mergers, etc.  You probably aren’t aware of all this wealth that your government hoards away.  You just listen to your politicians when they say they want your money to help the elderly or the kids and you open up your pocketbook.  Well, we’re short on the budget this year, right?  Please.  Just remember that the government got rich off your tax money, so it’s rightfully yours.  Oh, and the government exists because the people say it exists.  They work for us.  For more info on the C.A.F.R. click here.

Obviously, this subject is much more involved than what I was able to discuss in this post.  I could’ve talked about the notion that if OPEC decided to ditch the dollar in the oil market, we could be a hurtin’ unit.  Or how outsourcing jobs to countries where people work as slaves likely devastates the average American worker who wants to actually get paid a living wage for their work…it’s probably hard to compete with a rival company that gives slave wages to cut costs, which essentially undermines competition. 

I’ll admit, I am not, by any means, an expert.  Far from it.  I just know that if what I’ve laid out for you is true, or at least mostly true, then we’ve got serious problems.  If anything, I want you, the public, to at least be aware of these ideas.  Knowledge is key. 

If you think this issue doesn’t matter and you want to go back to sitting on your thumb, then so be it.  You might as well leave the keys in your car, leave your door wide open with your jewelry on the floor, and give out your banking secret codes…since you’re so carefree about your money.  I’m guessing, though, that money is something of importance to most people.  It apparently makes the world go round.  So look into what I’m saying to see if it’s true. 

It’s your money. 



Halloween Costume Tips

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

As Halloween is fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about costumes. One idea that I keep coming back to is to dress up as Pan, the greek god who is half man and half goat. Maybe it’s because I always liked mythology as a kid, or maybe it’s because when you do a google image search you find pictures like this and this. Greek mythology also makes me think about live action role playing, or LARP, which always puts a smile on my face. Anyway, as I’ve been thinking about this and talking with friends and coworkers, I realized that it would be worthwhile to compile a list of tips when planning your costume. So here it is: Read the rest of this entry »

You know!…?!

Friday, October 6th, 2006

“Is this real world or exercise?”  This morning at my corporate job, I participated in a company fire drill.  The annoying buzzers and lights started flashing, and we all left of our cubicles and filed out into the parking lot.  As I stood out there on the pavement in the cool autumn breeze, a thought occurred to me: wouldn’t it be strange if we had an actual fire at the same time as the scheduled fire drill?  What would be the chances of that?  My fellows employees and I would assume we were heading outside to practice for a real fire, while at that very same moment, there would really be a raging fire somewhere in the building.  Even if we had a fire drill once a month, would there be a chance that a large fire would break out on that same day?  Keeping fingers crossed, there’s a good chance that a big fire will never occur in this building throughtout the many years of its existence.  I’m not a betting man, but I doubt that if this building did have one big fire in its existence that it wouldn’t fall on a day we happened to have a fire drill.

Coincidence can be a strange thing.  Did you know that on the morning of September 11th, 2001, the Pentagon was running five separate military drills where two of the drills were targeting the exact targets at the exact times the actual terrorist attacks took place?  And what about the London bombings on July 7th?  Were you aware that a ‘crisis management advice company’ was running an exercise that day in which the London Underground was being bombed at the exact same locations and times as the bombs occurred in real life?  The Oklahoma City bombing fits the same scenario of drills taking place in tandem with actual terrorist events.  Just a coincidence?…Sometimes it’s necessary to determine whether an event is truly an accident or whether the coincidence is actually the consequence of a pre-planned action.

Do you think I’m pulling your leg with this information?  Or do you think I’m an idiot, wrapped up tight in a bunch of conspiracy theories?  If you don’t believe me, do some checking yourself.  If you don’t care, then that’s a different story.  If you do this research on your own and come to the same conclusion, will you chalk it up as just mere coincidence?

I guessing that there’s a chance that you may have heard nothing about these simultaneous drills going on during the actual attacks.  You should ask yourself why.  Do you not watch enough news or read enough of the newspaper every day?  Are stories like these buried in the back section of your paper in a tiny article or are they reported by mainstream news at all?  Maybe you did hear about the drills and forgot about it because it didn’t seem important at the time.  I don’t know.

I’ll admit it…in a certain sense, I’m a complete idiot.  Chances are in some way, you are too.  It’s not that we are stupid intellectually, we have been handed a way to view the world without us realizing the limits of our knowledge and perception.

About a month ago, I was sitting around the dinner table with my girlfriend’s daughters, and I was trying to explain where certain foods come from.  I started to say that the ‘Chinese food’ that we’d eaten recently had originated out of the country of ‘China’.  If I remember correctly, I think we were eating spaghetti and I was going to tell them about this country in ‘Europe’ called ‘Italy’.  Before I even got to that part, though, I realized that they didn’t even know what this ‘China’ concept is.  I dropped my explanation and decided to talk about more comprehensible ideas like milk coming from cows.  In a way this experience opened my eyes a little bit more.  It illustrates the jist of this post beautifully.  My girlfriend’s daughters are both very bright.  They learn quickly and understand things very well.  Their potential seems limitless to me.  At the same time, children have not had the chance to gather very many life experiences due to their young age, and they lack much of the mental data that we collect by the time we reach adulthood.  What I’m trying to get at here is that a child may be inherently intelligent, but if that child is fed a load of crap or has important information about the world around them withheld, you end up with an inherently intelligent idiot.  That individual would ‘know’ a bunch of nonsense.  In reference to my particular example here, I could’ve told my girlfriend’s daughters that ‘China’ is a city at the bottom of the ocean covered by a glass dome.  If they trusted my authority and believed what I said, then ‘China’ would indeed become an ocean city and not a country in Asia, at least to them.  This belief wouldn’t make them any less intelligent, only very misinformed.  If their teachers, fellow citizens, and media all told them the same thing, then in their mind this ‘fact’ becomes solidified.

Information is power.  As an adult role model, I have a certain influence over the minds of those children in my life.  I have the choice to be as truthful as I can (considering my own conditioning) or to be deceitful.  I could’ve made up anything about ‘China’ and they likely would’ve believed me, until my ‘facts’ were contradicted by others.  And what if the others didn’t know any better and lied along with me?  Just look at certain cults and Neo-Nazis and what the children are taught in those groups.  Those children aren’t stupid, they have just been lied to and don’t know any alternative views.

Now that I’ve described how there is the potential for children to be mis- or disinformed, let’s take it a step further.  People can be lied to over generations through the establishment of norms and the disinterest in examining those norms.  Take our money system for example.  Most people today grow up knowing very little about how our monetary system even works.  They know that they work and get dollars as compensation, and they pay taxes and interest on loans.  They here about the national deficit and wonder what that really means.  If these same people would’ve grown up around the turn of the 20th century they would likely be more aware of the implications of how our monetary structure is set up.  Some people probably would’ve been appalled at a private central bank being allowed to print money out of thin air and charging interest on that loan to the American people.  Well, with each generation that followed since the early 1900s, our money system became more and more ingrained as to ‘how things are’.  People today can hardly even fathom anything alternative because they’ve had generations before them who bought into the same norm. 

I’m not saying that all norms are bad, just that people should critically examine their assumptions.  Our children today are being conditioned to accept larger forms or surveillance and systematic control.  They are being bombarded directly at school and within society in general with all sorts of intrusive systems.  At some schools children are using thumb scans in order to pay for school lunches.  Some schools have kids walk through metal detectors and get searched before entering the school building.  Children have to witness all other sorts of searches, such as at airports and stadiums.  Hand scans are being installed at theme parks.  Elderly people and military personnel are being implanted with microchips.  There’s a national ID in the works for a 2008 implementation.  Private companies share personal information with the government.  Security cameras are almost everywhere now.  All these things are shaping the minds of our youth.  Many adults today are quite apprehensive about the increasing levels of surveillance.  Older individuals have the ability to remember the past when these forms of control did not exist to the extent they do today.  They have the contextual background to question the purpose and benefit of these changes.  What happens when the children of today become numb to these types of personal privacy infringements?  They will be more likely ready to accept something as Orwellian as IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIPS IN EVERY HUMAN BEING.  They could grow up thinking, hey, no big deal…some people have had the implants, why not everyone?

Do you think 50 years ago people would have accepted taking an implantable microchip?  No, probably not.

Let me sum this up for you here quickly.  Not all norms and conventions are bad.  Not all new technology is bad.  Not everything you hear on the news in a lie.  Just look at the internet.  No matter what the orginal intent of the world wide web, the internet has done much to give a voice to the people.  If 911 would’ve happened ten fifteen years ago, you wouldn’t even have heard about the theory of controlled demolition, much less learn any other info about the idea.  Would your local library have any relevant info for you.  Not likely.  The internet has done well to bring a free space to discuss ideas.  Keep in mind that there can be a lot of crap and lies and smut on the internet too.  At least the internet gives more of an option to be informed.  NO MATTER WHAT YOU STILL HAVE TO SIFT THROUGH ALL THE DIRT AND FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF.  Make up your own damn mind.  Decipher and analyze your assumptions.  Ask yourself is this what I want out of life?  If you don’t change the norms now, your children will accept them more solidly and their children will even more…and down the line.  It only stops when a generation wakes up and asks questions.  No matter how mind controlled and conditioned and lazy we’ve become, it’s up to us to realize what’s true, just, and beautiful and begin to live those ideals.

A certain aspect of our children is key to my whole premise.  Children are curious, they ask questions, they dream, they are open to possibility, and they want to know ‘why?’.  This is a strong and vital characteristic.  As in my example earlier, children may ask to know about this thing called China.  Whether or not the information they are given is correct, the act of being curious is something that should never be forgotten or destroyed.  Even if children are lied to and their innocence is abused, as long as they retain their curiousity and pursue the truth, the lies will never take root.  Children are vulnerable to misinformation because of their limited life experience, not due to their curious nature.  As adults we gather life experiences and information as a way ascertain certain truths, but we tend to lose the childlike nature that is necessary to defend ourselves from false assumptions.  This is to say that not everything we learn growing up is wrong and thus gathering information can indeed protect us from lies as well, but only through this ability to be open to all possibilities can we truly be in a position to find what’s real.  As it says in the Bible in Luke 18:17, ‘I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it’.

So don’t be afraid to ask questions.  I’m not sure to what extent the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984 is actually happening today, but keep in mind that in today’s computer age, factual records can be erased with the touch of a button.  It’s probably a mix of erasing/changing history mixed with the establishment of widespread apathy and blind obediance, which has the effect of blocking important facts from the consciousness of the people…it’s not that it gets erased literally, it just gets downplayed in relevance and shoved under the rug.  All I’m saying is WAKE UP!!!  And always remember that real Truth lies within you.  Facts and information about the world is something to be searched for and collected, but the Truth of Reality comes from the depths of your soul (Hold dear the paradox that you know nothing and everything simultaneously).  You can’t search for the Truth and the act of pursuing pushes it away.  You simply have to remember and realize WHO YOU ARE. 


Luggage: Carry-on vs Check

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

I just got back from Dallas tonight (Rebekah is helping out the Art Institute there and I tagged along) and it was my first time flying since the whole liquid explosive scare. Up until we actually got to the check-in area I had the delusion that I would just carry on my suitcase. Read the rest of this entry »