Archive for November, 2005

Becoming Doctoral at Colloquia

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

The goals of this interactive flash piece are twofold: first to explain to PhD learners what to expect when attending a Colloquia, and second, to push them to attend each of the three Colloquia at the right time in their program. We decided that the best way to do this was through photographs from past Colloquia, quotes from learners who’ve attended, and a narrator explaining key pieces of information. Lucky for us, our events team had just finished holding a Colloquium in Dallas where they had taken over a thousand photographs.

After figuring out what information to include and working on the storyboard, I began designing the user interface and several of the keyframes. During this time we also worked with the events team to write out the script, and I attended the recording at our in-house studio. With the design and audio ready I built out the interface and one of the tracks, and then worked with one other designer to build out the remaining tracks.

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Microsoft Outlook Family

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

I had a meeting today with a financial advisor. Rebekah couldn’t make it, so when she gets home tonight I need to go over with her what we discussed. I was thinking about how most likely tonight we’ll eat dinner, take care of the animals, watch some tv and then it will be time for bed. All of the sudden I thought Read the rest of this entry »

Sharing Family Recipe

Sunday, November 27th, 2005

Rebekah and I are here in Norwich, CT with my folks and siblings for Thanksgiving. All of the kids have something that they make each year, mine being pear honey (a sweet jelly-like topping for bread). Even though I’ve made pear honey every year for as long as I can remember, I still had to Read the rest of this entry »

Self-Scan Shopping Carts

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

Let me just preface this by saying that I never said that the ideas I list out here would be good. That’s the only time I’m going to say that. You know the self check out lanes at certain grocery stores and wal-marts where you are trusted to scan the item and then put it into the bag? Read the rest of this entry »