- Rett Martin, designer and dreamer.

RECENT WORK ~view more~

Web site design/development

Notes from Russ

It’s been real and it’s been fun…Thank you for reading my “notes” and make sure you check out this final post. I wish you all well.


Appraise my find

A site where people post pictures of something they bought at a yardsale, an auction, or acquired by other means: their “find.” Along with just getting to show off this unique item, other users will rate the find’s value. The more people that rate, the more accurate this appraisal will be.

Judging by the fact that and are already taken, I don’t think this idea is all that original, but I still like it.



I think the biggest pain about ordering something online is receiving the package. Most items I order come in medium-sized packages and require a signature. That would be no problem if my wife stayed at home all day or my work allowed personal delivery. Usually what happens is middle of the week I get a pink slip, then I have to either run to the post office in the morning time or wait until the weekend. (more…)


Rate the Day

Some days are just better than others. Yeah there are a lot of different things that can change a normal day into a good day, the weather or fun plans to look forward to, but some days are just better for no particular reason. What I would like to do, is see if there are certain days that most people agree are better than others.
– here’s where you can go and rate a day on a 1-5 scale. It could probably be even simpler, either the day is good or it isn’t. If you think about it, people are probably only going to rate a day if it’s great or if it sucks.


Mapcard (usb device with screen)

Here’s the problem: anytime Rebekah and I are going to someone’s house that we’ve never been to before we remember at the last minute that we need to print off directions. At that point it’s usually 20 minutes after the time we were supposed to arrive so the tensions are running high. I’ve tried jotting down the directions on a piece of paper, but that inevitably results in us getting lost, having no idea how long to stay on a road and no map to reference. (more…)


Shopping on Location

The way I see it, there are two different kinds of shopping:
1. Planned Shopping – in this case, you have specific stores you want to go to, or even a specific item you’re looking for.
2. Browsing – this is when you’re just walking around with no particular purpose, waiting to see if anything catches your eye. (more…)