- Rett Martin, designer and dreamer.

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Web site design/development

Notes from Russ

It’s been real and it’s been fun…Thank you for reading my “notes” and make sure you check out this final post. I wish you all well.


Remember to write it down

Two weeks ago I came up with a great idea for a whiskerino theme. Since the themes for that week had already been chosen, I decided to wait until the next week to suggest mine. The day finally came, and when I sat down to type in the idea, I couldn’t remember what it was. I had gotten so caught up in thinking about when the best time to suggest it was that I totally forgot the suggestion itself. (more…)


Simon Delivers meets Netflix

Rebekah and I subscribe to Netflix and it’s great. I’ve always hated going to the movie rental store because unless you walk in with a specific movie in mind, you end up spending close to an hour trying to find one suitable for renting. Usually the one you end up with is a compromise and it’s one of those things where it’s the only one everyone could agree on so noone ends up being happy. (more…)


Microsoft Outlook Family

I had a meeting today with a financial advisor. Rebekah couldn’t make it, so when she gets home tonight I need to go over with her what we discussed. I was thinking about how most likely tonight we’ll eat dinner, take care of the animals, watch some tv and then it will be time for bed. All of the sudden I thought (more…)


Sharing Family Recipe

Rebekah and I are here in Norwich, CT with my folks and siblings for Thanksgiving. All of the kids have something that they make each year, mine being pear honey (a sweet jelly-like topping for bread). Even though I’ve made pear honey every year for as long as I can remember, I still had to (more…)