- Rett Martin, designer and dreamer.

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Web site design/development

Notes from Russ

It’s been real and it’s been fun…Thank you for reading my “notes” and make sure you check out this final post. I wish you all well.


Create Icons for your Mac

Andy and I have been working on a CD-ROM project at Capella. One of the last steps was to change the default icons of the exe file on the pc and the swf on the mac to be the Capella logo. Both of us have worked with ico files (for the pc) before, but neither of us had tried creating an icon for the mac. Turned out to be kind of a pain. (more…)


Grandpa's blog

A while back I was working on a genealogy site (using a product called PHPGedView). I had a family tree that I had created back in middle school, along with quite a few documents my Grandma sent me. It was pretty interesting sifting through the information and learning about my ancestors. Then one day there was a message on my index.php page informing me that my site had been haXored, along with a picture of the linux penguin (thanks for the heads up Ben). (more…)


Personalized Rating for Restaurants

One of my favorite things about having this great resource we call the Internet, is ratings and user reviews. Before I watch a movie, I’ll usually check out the user rating at IMDB or Netflix. If I’m looking for a new place to grab a drink after work I’ll mosey on over to Mpls Happy Hour. Amazon for books, PCMagazine for most techy stuff, and the list goes on. (more…)


Ajax Contact Form

I was working on incorporating Jamie Talbot’s ajax form onto my contact page last night. It was a super-easy install, but there were a couple dumb things that tripped me up for a while. Here they are in case you’re having the same problems: (more…)


The last week of your life

A while back I read about this dude that created a web site to help him get random with Lady Sovreign. He ended up raising his goal of $10,000 through donations and taking her out on a date where he spent all of the money. It got me thinking about what I would do if I had $10,000 to blow. I actually didn’t think about it long enough to come up with anything because my mind instantly drifted to thinking about how I could ever get that $10,000. (more…)


Midway to Minneapolis

I posted something a while back about biking to work and the different routes I’ve taken. Last week I finally got my motorcycle running (and by that I mean I took it to the shop) and have been riding that to work. It’s really fun, but there are some things I miss about bicycling. And for that matter, there are some things I miss about riding the bus. There’s not really anything I miss about driving the car to work though. Anyway, I am thinking it would be a great side project (I always need more of those) to create a microsite comparing the different ways to get to work. Some of the most important factors are time, money, stress level/enjoyment, safety, and freedom while downtown. I could also incorporate the best routes to take for each mode of transportation. It could definitely turn into a good resource for anyone looking to get from Saint Paul to Minneapolis.


Handy Dad Contracting

Seems like everyone I know who’s married with a house has a father or father-in-law that has helped with some sort of home remodel. My friend Jason’s girlfriend’s dad helped them with their kitchen last year and is working on a deck this summer. Another couple friend, Ben and Erin, both have handy dads that have helped them with miscellaneous projects in their house. (more…)


haircut small talk

I avoided getting my haircut yesterday because I didn’t feel like making small talk.

Don’t get me wrong, I throw some mean small talk, but sometimes I just want to relax. So what I’m imagining is a hair cuttery where there is no small talk allowed, and instead you have a tv with tivo or something and maybe a couple game consoles. You could easily squeeze in a half hour episode of some show or play some super mario cart (maybe there have been some other games invented in the last 8 years too).

Definition of the day
awktalk: the awkward small talk that you make with someone you don’t know very well